It’s Time to Re-Enroll!

We encourage all current families to re-enroll between March 3rd and March 7th, with the final deadline to re-enroll on March 31st. Whether you plan on returning or not, please complete this form!

Re-Enroll Today!

Art of Giving 24-25

We are excited to share with you Lakeside's 2nd Annual Art of Giving fundraiser!

Sponsor your favorite today!

Neon Nights Gala

Come Glow With Us!

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Welcome to Great Hearts Lakeside


Dear Friends of Great Hearts Lakeside,

Great Hearts exists to cultivate the hearts and minds of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.  Our primary tool of cultivation is the Socratic Method.  We seek to employ this timeless teaching technique, in which the teacher uses questions and conversations to guide students from what they already know, to what they do not yet know, in all subjects. It is the development of these academic habits that causes students to inquire deeply, while also feeding their curious sense of wonder.

Too often, school is a place where a child’s native delight in knowledge fades away with time.  Great Hearts is dedicated to cultivating and tending this love of learning from kindergarten through high school graduation.

The great books of our Western tradition will ignite their imaginations, while simultaneously facilitating conversations about wisdom and philosophy.  Our Singapore Math program takes students on a journey, demonstrating concepts in concrete, real forms before revealing the same idea through pictorial representations that conclude with the familiar, yet abstract, equations, formulas and algorithms.

Our science curriculum is hands-on and historical, while our study of history is in-depth, as students frequently engage with primary sources.  The study of language is a critical component of education, and in our classical tradition, all students will study Latin.

In music and art, our students will experience and also create beauty by imitating and studying the masters.  Our physical education program, like every other aspect of our curriculum, seeks to create a lifelong love of movement and activity.

We desire Great Hearts Lakeside to provide a fulfilling, educational experience that will be characterized by order and joy.  Our schools are filled with carefully chosen faculty who demonstrate expertise in their subject area, while also exhibiting the wonder and moral character we seek to develop in our students.

This pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty will inspire and shape students into the best versions of themselves, setting in motion growth that will continue the rest of their lives.