It’s time to re-enroll your child for the 2024-2025 school year!

Please login to the Power School Parent Portal and confirm your child’s intent to return for the upcoming school year by electronically submitting re-enrollment information as soon as possible. We ask for your quick response, as it allows us to keep an accurate count of available seats for the Fall. The deadline is March 31st!

Re-Enroll in 4 steps:

  1. Log in to your parent portal account at 
    1. Great Hearts is not associated with the PowerSchool mobile app. If you are asked for a four-digit code, you are on the app. Please go to the online platform to log in. If your mobile browser automatically redirects to the app, please use a computer to access the portal.
  2. Select the RE-ENROLLMENT link.
  3. Complete the form as required, fill in your name at the bottom, and click the SUBMIT button.
  4. Repeat for each non-graduating child in your parent portal account.

Note: Only one parent/guardian is required to complete the form for each child in their account.

See here for an FAQ on the Parent Portal, and please reach out to our campus Registrar at for assistance.